Rochester School is located in the picturesque Tawatinaw Valley, within the hamlet of Rochester, Alberta. Rochester School offers programming for Kindergarten up to Grade 9 students.
Kindergarten: We offer full day, three days a week kindergarten with an optional fourth day starting in November. The focus is learning through experience, with many hands-on activities.
Small Class Sizes: Being a small rural school, class sizes are small, allowing for a personalized education. Students are taught in combined grades which allows for teachers to easily differentiate their teaching to match the needs of students; creating an inclusive environment.
Healthy Living: Rochester School partners with APPLE Schools, which promotes “healthy eating, physical activity, and mental health habits”. A nutrition program is available to all students, offering a variety of healthy food choices for students throughout the day.
Field Trips and Sports: Students are given the opportunity to participate in at least one yearly field trip. Students are encouraged to participate in various sports events throughout the school division.
Rochester STEAM Academy: Rochester STEAM Academy started the fall of 2021 on Fridays. The program consists of engaging students in all grade levels in the areas of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.